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LRC Final House Maps: First Look

5.7 million people. That's the approximate number of Pennsylvania's who find their voices diminished in the final House Plan approved by the Legislative Reapportionment...

LRC Final Senate Maps: First Look

Nearly 5 million people. That's the number of Pennsylvania's who find their voices diminished in the final Senate Plan approved by the Legislative Reapportionment...

LRC Preliminary Maps: Exceptions

It is of paramount importance in any redistricting plan that the voice of the people be protected in the redistricting process. There are restraints designed to prevent the political process from diluting our voice. There are standards designed to maximize the voice minorities can have in the elective process.

Pennsylvania Congressional Redraw 2022: Second Draft

While congressional districts are allowed to have small population differences between districts, most states stick with a zero deviation. I still believe Pennsylvania would...

LRC Preliminary Maps: First Look

The Legislative Reapportionment Commission unveiled preliminary maps for Pennsylvania Senate and House districts on December 16. One month earlier, I presented draft State Senate and...

Pennsylvania Legislative District Redraw 2022: First Draft

Click here to view the handout and draft maps.  I ask that you consider five principles as you draw legislative maps. Consider this definition of absolute...

Pennsylvania Congressional Redraw 2022: First Draft

Pennsylvania now has the 2020 Census Data and knows it will be going from 18 congressional districts to 17. What might a new map...

[Video] Redistricting & The Big Game: What is fair?

Redistricting has more in common with sports than one might think. Explore a few similarities football style! In the end, rules matter.

Why Senate Bill 22 Just Became a Little Worse

As least some of the amendments to Senate Bill 22 were not for better and should concern those interested in letting citizens be heard.

[VIDEO] Need for a Redistricting Framework: Men are Not Angels

If people wish for free government to continue, they must remember to factor human nature into any redistricting equation. Otherwise, the voice of the...