Redistricting Proposal: House Version Overview


Now that we have the big picture for the Senate, we will turn our attention to bottom line for the House districts.

This overview is designed to quickly show you all 5 steps of the House proposal without all the detail.

Links to the posts with the details will be added as they become available.

Now what are we waiting for? Let’s get started! Remember to click on the maps to make them bigger.

Step 1: County Apportionment

Step 2: Create Regions and Verify Within Range

Smallest District: 65,249 (Carbon)
Largest District: 60,068 (Delaware)
Est. Overall Variant: 8.63%

Step 3: Divide Oversize Regions

Step 4: Verify Compliance with the Voting Rights Act

Philadelphia is shown for illustrative purposes. 20 House districts were affected in all.

Philadelphia Map Before Adjustments

Philadelphia Map After Adjustments 

Step 5: Add District Numbers

# of splits by . . .

  • County: 42/67 (was 48/67)
  • Municipality: 23 (was 50)
  • Ward: 31 (was 50)

# of districts that include splits of . . .

  • Counties: 34/203 (was 64/203)
  • Municipalities: 39/203 (was 152/203)
  • Wards: 33/203 (was 97/203)
Western PA Up Close 
Eastern PA Up close 
Pittsburgh Up Close 
Philadelphia Up close

You can make a difference, too!

Help make this map a reality. To support the Holt Proposal, simply email the commission to let them know. It’s that easy.

And there you have it — the at-a-glance version of the whole House proposal. What do you think?


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